Academy Orpheus


Legal Notice:

© Verein International Music Academy Orpheus
Sechsschimmelgasse 14 | 1090 Vienna | AUSTRIA

ZVR-Zahl 110332767

Online: | mail (at) or academyorpheus (at)

Chairman: Prof. Michael Frischenschlager

Secretary general: Lilyana Hussen

Vereinszweck: Der Verein, dessen Tätigkeit gemeinnützig und nicht auf Gewinn ausgerichtet ist, bezweckt: Die Vermittlung und Förderung sozialer Kompetenzen durch Kunst und Kultur; also die Schaffung, Entwicklung und Förderung sozialer und interaktiver Kunst und Kultur im Austausch zwischen Österreich und der Welt für ein harmonisches Weltbewusstsein mit dem Ziel, dieses nachhaltig im Alltagsleben zu verwurzeln.

Concept & Design: xen
Development: bello

Contents of the Website: IMAO makes every effort to ensure that the material contained in its web site is current, complete and correct. Despite this errors and mistakes cannot be completely ruled out. We do not accept liability for the relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information and material offered in this web site unless the mistake occurred intentionally or through gross negligence. This refers to any loss, additional costs or damage of any kind suffered as a result of any use of any material in this web site.

Copyright: The Layout of the Homepage, graphics, videos and pictures used and the collection of individual contributions are protected by copyright.

Privacy: Where you are invited to submit personal information (e-mail address, names, postal addresses) the submission of this information is purely voluntary. IMAO expressly declares that the information submitted will not be passed on to third parties.